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If you are interested in one of our current or future puppies, please submit a Puppy Application.

Checkout our Facebook page for more information and up to date pictures.

Daisy is from Arwen and Oskie. She was born on April 20th. She will mature 28-30 lbs. She is so cuddly and has a very fun energy. She is ready to go home NOW.


Zorro is from Pearl and Cash. He was born on May 6th. Zorro will mature around 30 lbs. He is ready to go home NOW.


Paddy is from Pearl and Cash. He was born on May 6th. Paddy will mature around 30 lbs. He is ready to go home NOW.


Penny is from Pearl and Cash. She was born on May 6th. Penny will mature around 25-30 lbs. She is ready to go home NOW.

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